Spyglass Inc, perhaps best known for the original web browser, Mosaic, which went on to form the basis for Microsoft Corp’s Internet Explorer, has released version 2 of its MicroServer embedded server technology, which can web-enable any device with a microprocessor. It has added a technology called Easy Content, which converts HTML into C++ code, which it claims will give faster OEM implementation of its technology. The server can work in as little as 36Kb of RAM for concurrent users, and can deliver data to a browser either within the device or to another browser over an IP network. It is aimed at any non-PC device that can be connected to a network, such as printers, copiers, hubs, routers and manufacturing equipment, and enables regular browser to control these devices. However, Spyglass does not believe it will receive significant revenues from its embedded products, which is its total business these days, until late next year, which may come as a worry to some shareholders. But the company is adamant that its investors understand this, and says that its long term prospects are still good. Spyglass believes its technology is more mature than its competitors’ offerings, such as embedded browsers and servers from AllPen Software Inc, because Spyglass’ is more customizable by licensees. The company counts IBM Corp, Xerox Corp and Thomson Consumer Electronics Inc among its major licensees. MicroServer 2.0 is compatible with the embedded operating systems LynxOS, VXWorks, pSOS, OS-9, and QNX. No Prices were given.