Wireless and wireline communications services provider Sprint has updated Sprint Professional Mobility Services portfolio to manage and secure complex mix of devices at workplace.

The Professional Mobility Services suite of capabilities concentrate on added levels of security and management in a multi-carrier environment.

The new portfolio now includes Sprint Device Management and Sprint Mobility Management, the company said.

Sprint Device Management delivers mobile device management and security capabilities across multiple carriers and operating systems with companies such as AirWatch and Zenprise.

It also will provide businesses that have security and device management requirements with basic operating system and application offerings.

Sprint Mobility Management provides an array of services for telecommunication expense management, procurement/logistics across all carriers.

The company has collaborated with mobile device OEMs and application providers to create the Sprint Professional Grade designation for select smartphones that offer security, device management and Exchange Active Sync capacities.

The Professional Grade designation will offer businesses with select devices having password policy support, calendar functions, remote wipe, and other advanced Exchange Active Sync policies.

Professional Grade devices also will support security features including encryption for data at rest and VPN support for remote connectivity to help keep critical data safe.