SpringSource, a provider of Java infrastructure software services, has released SpringSource Tool Suite 2.0 for building Spring-powered Java applications.

The company said that SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) 2.0 introduces new features and enhancements, including project creation wizards, a rich forms-based Spring Configuration Editor, Spring Configuration Auto-Discovery, Quick Fixes and Quick Assist, Bean Creation Wizards, Namespace Configuration Dialog and many other visual tools.

The new release also includes new tools that help visualize, package and deploy modular applications onto SpringSource dm Server, an application server built from the ground up to support OSGi-based applications. STS 2.0 provides an open services gateway initiative (OSGi) console, graphical bundle overview page, visual dependency graph and the ability to test dependencies and specify bundle deployment order, added SpringSource.

Shaun Connolly, vice president of product management for SpringSource, said: SpringSource Tool Suite provides highly effective productivity tools for building Spring applications that run on application server platforms from SpringSource, IBM, Oracle and JBoss. STS also leads the charge with tools that target lean runtime environments promoting modularity, such as the OSGi-based SpringSource dm Server.