SpringSoft, a supplier of IC design software, has released a new vesion of Laker Custom Layout Automation System, which offers support of the OpenAccess (OA) database standard.

According to SpringSoft, the new version of Laker system is compatible with the OA database and API, which can be used as the centre of a multi-vendor interoperable IC design environment. It supports all the necessary interfaces, libraries and design kits that include interoperable process design kits (iPDKs) from TSMC, to work within a heterogeneous tool environment. It also works with other custom IC tools such as Cadence’s Virtuoso.

The company said that its approach to OpenAccess is to ensure multi-vendor interoperability for all three OA application interfaces, file exchange, data exchange and common runtime model.

SpringSoft has worked with OA supporters such as Synopsys, Magma Design Automation, Mentor Graphics and TSMC to test and implement the OA standard in complete environment. The Laker System’s support of OA extends to IPL PDKs, the interoperable process design kits from TSMC. The iPDK support features support for TSMC’s 65nm process, with a roadmap to 40nm and 28nm support.

Duncan McDonald, director of product marketing for custom IC design solutions at SpringSoft, said: “SpringSoft has invested significantly in helping to make OpenAccess a viable and useful standard for IC designers. We are pleased to see the fruition of our efforts realised through this release of Laker fully supporting OA, which delivers on the promise of a truly interoperable standard and enhances the overall automation benefits of our solution.”