Splunk has announced that customers of any size can now purchase unlimited licenses of Splunk Enterprise.
The company is offering unlimited enterprise adoption agreements with an additional licensing option that is independent of data volumes and use cases.
Godfrey Sullivan, Chairman and CEO, Splunk, said: "Our customer base is experiencing explosive data growth and needs Splunk to help them tap into the value of all of their machine data."
"Splunk has always embraced simple pricing to help fuel our customers’ success, and we have been focused on continually driving down the cost of collecting, indexing and analyzing data in Splunk software."
"This new licensing model further removes barriers and encourages organizations to gain insights from all of their machine-generated big data by standardizing on Splunk Enterprise."
The unlimited enterprise adoption agreements are designed to enable organisations to get more value from machine data by using Splunk as a platform the machine data across an entire business.
Also included will be support, education and professional services designed to help customers.
The unlimited EAA comes as part of Splunk‘s continued move towards the machine data market with the company looking to continue growth.