According to figures published by Dataquest, the Spanish personal computer market notched sales of 385,731 units in the first six months of 1996, representing an increase of 10% on the same period of 1995. IBM Corp remains at the top of the ranking list with a market share of 12.2%, followed by Hewlett-Packard Co with 9.8%. Significantly, the four national clone manufacturers, EI System SA, Novo SA, Tay SA and Jump SA have grabbed an extra 5% chunk of market share between them; companies that have suffered as a result are Compaq Computer Co, losing 0.3% of market share, and more notably Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA, which has lost 1.3%. After the spectacular growth in IBM’s personal computer sales of 52% over the first quarter of the year, overall growth for the half-year came out at 20.8%.