RM will deliver the services as part of Transform Schools, Balfour Beatty’s education sector PPP concession vehicle, which has been appointed as the selected bidder for the contract. The contract is expected to be worth GBP15 million to RM.

According to RM Group, Southwark’s Schools for the Future program will deliver new learning environments for 12 schools on 13 sites across Southwark. This includes seven rebuilds, two brand new schools and four refurbishments. RM will provide an ICT managed service, including in-school systems and software infrastructure, and will be responsible for the design and integration of the infrastructure as well as the day-to-day operation of the service.

Terry Sweeney, chief executive of RM, said: Southwark Council has a bold vision for education in the borough; we’re delighted to be working with our partners as part of Transform Schools to help deliver that vision.

Councillor Lisa Rajan, executive member for education and children services, said: Today’s announcement of Transform Schools as Southwark’s selected bidder and the proposed designs of the first two in our Southwark schools for the future secondary program puts Southwark’s education transformation one step ahead of the rest of London, if not the country. Our vision is ambitious, and we believe not only will the schools make a huge difference to our standards of education, but they will help transform communities across the entire borough.