The secure continuous remote alcohol monitor (SCRAM) is an 8oz leg bracelet that monitors alcohol consumption by analyzing emissions from the wearer’s sweat glands.

The information is transmitted though a modem placed in the subject’s home via conventional phone line and emailed to the agency assigned to testing. The testing agency can customize testing schedules and monitor subject tests at any time.

Many 24/7 Sobriety Project defendants have difficulty traveling to a testing site to submit twice-a-day breath tests, said South Dakota attorney general Larry Long. The bracelets would play a key role in filling the void for those counties that do not have jails and allow defendants from remote areas of South Dakota to benefit from this program.

The state has received 25 of 100 bracelets purchased by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The cost of daily use will be $4.30 per day per user. State officials will charge wearers for part or all of the related costs. Major alcohol distributors have donated monies to help defray some of the costs.

The bracelets are currently being used in 37 states and are a product of Alcohol Monitoring Systems, a Colorado-based company.