Sophia, a provider of contextually aware enterprise search offerings, has launched Sophia Search, a new search offering which uses a semiotic-based linguistic model to identify intrinsic terms, phrases and relationships within unstructured content so that it can be recovered, consolidated and leveraged.

The company said that the new Search offerings delivers a three-dimensional offering to discover, consolidate and optimise enterprise data, regardless of its data type or domain.

The discover feature discovers the themes and intrinsic relationships behind enterprises information, without any reliance on taxonomies or ontologies, so that relevant information may be discovered, extracted and leveraged.

The consolidate features identifies both duplicates and near duplicates, allowing organisations to consolidate their information, thus minimising storage and management costs.

The optimise feature provides partners and organisations with the contextual data that helps them to optimise their information landscape for more accurate search, analytics and compliance.

In addition, Sophia Search features Contextual Discovery Engine (CDE) which is based on the linguistic model of Semiotics, that automatically detects relationships and themes in unstructured content.

This feature enables organisation to search, extract, deduplicate and eliminate redundancy of content to minimise risk and reduce the cost of retrieving, storing and managing information.