Animax Mobile is specifically designed for mobile TV viewing using mobile streaming technology. Targeting the 14- to 34-year-olds demographic, the channel launched in Australia on 3 mobile on June 12 and will launch in Canada on Bell Mobility in July to users of 3G handsets with mobile video streaming capability.
At launch, Animax Mobile will offer a two-hour loop of four full-length anime series Blood+, Last Exile, ROD the TV, and The Count of Monte Cristo.
Short-form, cult animation series such as Petey and Jadey, relevant regional products such as TechnoMax and ImagineNation from Animax Asia, movie special effects and videogames, and bonus features such as program guides, customized music and graphic IDs will seamlessly package the mobile service.
Bill Sanders, vice president of mobile network programming for Sony Pictures Television International, commented, It’s not about the big screen vs the little screen. Often, it’s a choice of small screen vs no screen at all, and with Animax Mobile, we’re able to bring some of Animax’s most valuable programs to fans new and old at times and in places where they couldn’t see them before.