Sony Ericsson has unveiled the Xperia Play, an Android handset with Playstation-style controls, while Samsung presented two new Android-based tablet devices at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2011 in Barcelona.

Sony Ericsson first presented its new smartphone designed for playing video games in a TV commercial during the Super Bowl. The Xperia Play is believed to be the first handset to meet Sony’s new PlayStation Certified distinction standards.

It is also the first time Sony Ericsson has worked closely with Sony’s PlayStation group in developing a product.

Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 is larger than the first 7-inch Galaxy Tab. The new tablet will run Honeycomb, Google’s OS platform customized for tablets, and is 10.9 millimetre thick. It features both cameras at both front and back for the video conferencing market.

Samsung also unveiled its new smartphone the Galaxy S2. It features a 4.3-inch screen, and has a dual-core processor to handle graphics and video.

Samsung emphasised that its devices were more business-friendly than those of its competitors.

The Xperia Play is expected to launch in the UK in April. The Galaxy Tab II is expected to launch in the second quarter on 2011 on Vodafone.

Prices of the divices are yet to be announced.