Solomon Software Inc is working on a series of programs, set to roll out through 1997, to Internet-enable its flagship Solomon IV for Windows SQL-based accounting software to do everything from electronic commerce and browser-based employee access to expense reports and timesheets. The Finlay, Ohio-based company’s schedule starts with the release of WebAssistant, for employees to access their employer’s financial system via the corporate intranet. That’s to be followed by WebSelfServe, an Internet product to hook customers to companies to check things such as their order and account status. WebMerchant will hook Solomon IV directly to Microsoft’s Merchant Server for functions like catalog maintenance, real-time inventory checking and automatic order processing. A Web Edition of the Solomon IV Tools for Visual Basic is aimed at software vendors building web applications on top of the accounting software. Key to the whole family is an Internet Application Server, to process MAPI-based requests to initiate any Solomon process from anywhere on the Internet. The Application Server goes into controlled release in February with general release by the end of the second quarter of this year.