Softway Systems Inc has earned the right to wear a feather in its cap by having its Interix 2.2 Unix-on-NT system software certified by The Open Group as a compliant with its Unix tests suites. Interix enables users to retain the functionality of their Unix applications but run them on Windows NT alongside native NT programs. Unix implementations have already been certified upon other third party platforms, including MVS. Softway claims Interix is now in use by some 1,500 customers. It says its software Interix – which doesn’t come with NT – can run Unix applications on the Microsoft operating system in a number of ways. From the console; an X Windows terminal; a serial terminal; a Windows client attached to the server; Microsoft Windows Terminal (aka Hydra); or remote Telnet connection. It can run Apache web server, sendmail, Perl, shells and scripts. It doesn’t include a native Win32 API. It shouldn’t be long before Softway changes its name for its product.