San Diego, California-based Software Products International Inc is now shipping its promised relational database management system developed specifically to be used under Microsoft Corp’s Windows 3.0. The company says that WindowBase, which supports Structured Query Language, features a simple graphical user interface, customisable menus, Dynamic Data Exchange and a C Developers Kit. WindowBase also includes default forms and reports to facilitate and speed design work and there is context-sensitive, on-line help for all functions. The company claims that those with little or no knowledge of SQL can execute simple or complex queries via button selections, edit controls, scroll bars and check boxes, and then perform operations on the results. The Dynamic Data Exchange capability enables users to swap data with Windows spreadsheets, word processors and communications packages and users can control access to their sensitive data by turning a check box on or off. The program exchanges text and images as metafiles and enables images to be clipped, scaled or shown full size. A run-time version will be available this quarter and for applications developers there is an optional C Developers Kit with a full set of C and C++ developer tools and dynamic link library hooks. Gateways to dBase, B-Trieve and the firm’s own multi-function Open Access II and III business software are available and support for Paradox data files will be available in the fourth quarter. A version of WindowBase for SQL Server is also planned for this quarter with front-end client support for both Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server. WindowBase will sell for $500, but is $150 until the end of the month. The C Developers Kit is $700; 2Mb of memory is recommended.