Software Emancipation Technology Inc has broadened out its Discover line of software development and testing tools with Discover Version 7.0 in the areas of both quality analysis and deployment options. The Burlington, Massachusetts-based firm says the new version introduces methods of improving software quality through process-control and management systems, and is more suitable for deployment in large development environments. As promised last year, support for Java has been added, along with Oracle SQL, upgrades to the latest Microsoft Corp Visual Studio development system, and a new product, Developer Xpress, a desktop code browsing tool for what the company refers to as rapid source code comprehension. It has a starting price of $3,000 per seat, half that of the basic price for version 6, only released last August (CI No 3,469). It runs on SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX, SGI Irix and Windows NT. Software Emancipation was founded by former Prime Computer Inc executive and Russian emigre Vladimir Geisberg in 1991, and was recently rated the 11th fastest growing technology company in the US by Deloitte & Touche. The company doubled in size over the last year and added ten new sales offices in the US and Canada, as well as expanding into European markets. It has 140 customers for Discover and 2,600 end-users.