Chorus Systemes SA, the Paris microkernel company, is now talking openly about its nine-month-old alliance with San Jose, California-based Software Components Group Inc to produce and sell binaries of the Chorus/Mix distributed operating system – a move that marks the emergence of Chorus from technology to product. Software Components has licensed the Chorus source code, and is enhancing it with an interface to its own proprietary real-time pSOS operating system for what it calls the soft embedded real-time market. Anticipated applications include industrial automation, simulation and telecommunications. Software Components will sell the product in North America, Chorus in Europe. The pair expect their joint efforts to generate revenues of $100m a year in three to five years. First product is expected to hit the market in late first quarter 1992, initially making its mark among Software Components’ base of specialist end users, moved through its direct sales channel. Initially the software will be available for the Motorola 68000 family, with a Sparc implementation likely to follow. Other versions, for such as the MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC are under consideration. Nine-year old Software Components specialises in the real-time embedded operating system market, doing $9.7m a year and experiencing a 70% a year growth rate.