Santa Diego, California-based TeleSoft has licensed to Software Components Group its TeleGen2+, an integrated real-time Ada development system incorporating TeleGen2 Ada compilation tools and pSOS+ product family: TeleGen2+ is a Sparc-based cross compilation toolset and a real-time execution environment for developing Motorola 68000-targeted multi-language and multiprocessor applications; it includes a cross compiler, global optimiser, library tools, source-level debugger, profiler, linker, receiver tools and language productivity tools, all integrated with a validated run-time environment based on the pSOS+ real-time operating system; also, TeleSoft is offering pNA+, a TCP/IP networking component for use in real-time embedded target systems, pROBE+, a target-resident system-level debugger, and pHILE+, a real-time file management system for data throughput and integrity; pARS is an Ada run-time system built on the pSOS+ kernel, and it is an add-on for existing users of TeleGen2 Ada; TeleGen2+ and the add-on packages cost between $23,500 and $41,000 depending on the Sparc configuration; pROBE+ is $3,000, pNA+ is $4,000 and pHILE+ software $3,000.