ApplinX version 5.1 has been upgraded to enable faster and easier creation of web-based applications and web services based on legacy applications on mainframe and iSeries platforms. Specific enhancements include ‘no-coding-required’ web screen creation, the ability to invoke external web services and to register web services in any UDDI-compliant registry.

The software lets users combine multiple screens into a single web page, and automatically generates web components and services based upon XML, SOAP and WSDL standards. These components and services are compatible with Java and .NET environments, and can be incorporated into a service-orientated architecture (SOA).

Once they experience how quickly and easily they can personally create these web services – without having to learn Java, HTML, .NET or legacy code – our customers realize the potential to deliver rapid results to their business users while planning for a long-term SOA strategy, said Joe Gentry, VP of enterprise transaction systems for Software AG.

Software AG says customers currently using ApplinX include Tulsa County Government, which improved access to county property records and legal documents and saved an estimated $300,000 by choosing to modernize instead of replace the legacy system.