Software AG has updated its SourcePoint automated data warehouse manager with version 2.1. SourcePoint sucks data out of relational and mainframe databases and migrates it into data warehouses built with Oracle7 or Software AG’s own Adabas relational database. The Darmstadt, German-based company says the new release is the first step in its Enterprise Web Data Warehouse program extending automation capabilities to Web servers. The migration process is managed from a Windows desktop with SourcePoint mapping data collected to an SQL-based database. It then places information in the format required by the end user. Sourcepoint generates metadata (information on information), fills in gaps and pulls things together. It performs regular updates, ensuring that all users have access to information which is uniform and accurate, says Software AG. SourcePoint includes subscription services, a choice of updating methods (periodical or event-driven) and supports the security of the contributing sub-systems, so that only authorized access to sensitive data is allowed. Software AG claims SourcePoint can be integrated into any existing environment and is able to adapt to changing requirements. It comes as three functional components: Administrator, a Windows-based control mechanism for setting up data extractions, transport and loading; Agent, a Unix or NT based component co-ordinating the process; and the SourcePoint applications programming interface for extraction programs including Carleton’s Passport. SourcePoint runs on Hewlett- Packard, IBM and Digital Unix machines, and on Windows NT boxes.