Czech software house and systems integration firm, Software602, says it will gain ownership over the Tesla VUST scientific institute within the next few weeks. Last summer Software602 bid $9m to buy the high-prestige 42-year old institute from the Czech Republic’s National Property Fund, along with its grounds and buildings, which Software602 plans to turn into a Trade & Technical Park. Until 1968, Tesla VUST performed all research and development work for the giant Czech Tesla electronics group. Shortly before the disintegration of the Soviet Bloc, the institute developed Gallium Arsenide microwave technologies used in the Czech Republic’s Stealth aircraft-detecting radar and was developing the materials technologies and components needed to bring the production of consumer items like compact disk players, pagers, and satellite communication systems to the Eastern Block. Software602’s bid has come in for criticism from Tesla VUST’s current management, which wanted to turn the site into a non-profit-making technological park, in which it won the support of the local press. Jaromir Siska, head of Software602, stated, From the very beginning there was opposition against our project – Software602 is still committed to pushing ahead.