Prague-based packaged software developer, Software602, is expecting a sharp increase in 1992 revenues, when its figures are published next week. This appears to confirm that the company is beating competition from software houses such as Microsoft Corp and WordPerfect Corp in the MS-DOS word processor market. It has now sold 98,000 copies of its flagship product, Text602. Customers include all the major Czech and Slovak banks, and most government ministries. Sales manager Jan Muhlfeit said there was a real expectation that overall sales would exceed the anticipated $7m. In 1991, Software602’s first year of trading as a private company, turnover was about $4m. The company used to be a government-sponsored computer club, and was number 602 out of 1,500 Czech youth clubs. But it is uncertain whether Software602 will have as much success in the underdeveloped Czech Windows market as it has in the MS-DOS market. It attempted to diversify further last year by introducing a disk management utility package – so far 20,000 copies have been sold – and by moving into personal computer assembly. However, Muhlfeit said that the company’s new electronic mail software product with X400 support will take centre stage when the company exhibits at CeBit 93 in Hanover.