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Several UK broadcasters have signed up for trial of pre-roll ads on YouTube. The pre-roll ads are short video ads streamed before the content and could have a maximum limit of up to 30 seconds.

Some of the advertisers that will be the first to run pre-roll ad campaigns on YouTube include Match.com, Renault, Nissan and Activision.

YouTube is to launch the trial with Channel 4, BBC Worldwide, National Geographic, ITN and Discovery Networks.

Till date, partners such as Channel 4 have obtained revenues from YouTube through ads running around the video content and also YouTube’s in-video format but not from pre-roll ads.

Suveer Kothari, head of YouTube UK, said: Since we launched YouTube we have been trying to balance the demands of users looking for free, entertaining, professional content on the web, premium content owners looking for ways to monetise their content and advertisers looking for more premium content for them to showcase their TV creative against.