Google owned YouTube has been accused of censoring videos of future attacks posted by hacktivist group Anonymous.

A report by Torentfreak said, "Since the beginning of the year the group has been releasing videos to spread news and details of forthcoming operations. Many, if not all, Anonymous videos have been uploaded to YouTube but since the start of April the Google-owned site has been censoring them."

The last three videos which were posted on YouTube – Operation Sony, Operation Sony Update and Operation Black Out – have all been removed. A message on YouTube page says "the video has been removed because its content violated YouTube’s Terms of Service."

YouTube has said that the videos could have been disabled following user requests. There is a possibility that in future the Anonymous account on the site could be disabled as well.

It said, "YouTube has clear policies that prohibit inappropriate content on the site. Our community understands the rules and polices the site for inappropriate material."

"When users feel content is inappropriate they can flag it and our staff then review it as quickly as possible to see if it violates our Terms of Use. If users repeatedly break these rules we disable their accounts."

Anonymous is best known for the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on Visa, PayPal and others in support of whistle-blowing site WikiLeaks. It had also brought down the website of HBGary Federal, a security services firm helping the FBI to unmask its members.

Recently the group threatened Sony of dire consequences saying that it will not forgive the electronics company for taking legal action against fellow hackers Geohot and Graf_Chokolo.

The threat read, "You have now received the undivided attention of Anonymous."

Anonymous, which claims that its members are average Internet citizens spread across the world, issued a similar warning to the New Zealand government after it passed a bill against illegal file sharing.

It warned, "You have the full attention of Anonymous… Expect us."