Yahoo has announced that it will be rolling out ‘snoop proof’ email by adding an end-to-end encryption feature in 2015.

The company’s CISO Alex Stamos announced the decision during the Black Hat USA conference in Las Vegas and claimed that the encrypted mail service will make it ‘nearly impossible for hackers or government officials to read users’ messages’.

Stamos also added that the company is planning to roll out end-to-end mobile encryption feature for Yahoo mail which will be released in 2015, while browser plugin for the mail will be released before that.

Stamos told the paper: "Our profession has never been this important.

"We are in a world historical moment where people in our profession have the ability to change whether or not the Internet is going to be the center of freedom and free expression and democratization we always thought it could be, or if it is going to be a tool of oppression and censorship and monitoring by both democratic and non-democratic governments."

Yahoo has roped in security expert Yan Zhu to work on the project, who had earlier worked with Electronic Frontier Foundation, HTTPS Everywhere and Privacy Badger browser add-ons as well as working as a developer for the anonymous digital leaking tool SecureDrop.

Zhu told The Washington Post: "Yahoo Mail has a lot of users already using it," adding that the ‘mail is pretty sticky’.

"It does take effort for people to change their mail service, so people would prefer to use their Yahoo Mail, or Gmail, or Hotmail with encryption rather than make a new account."

End-to-end encryption will add a stronger security layer to the service by creating a digital tunnel between the mail sender and receiver, preventing anyone from seeing the content. The company has already started rolling out SSL encryption feature in its webmail earlier this year.

Yahoo will join other major email service providers like Microsoft and Google in rolling out end-to-end encryption.

Microsoft has already revealed plans to provide encrypted mail service which was earlier has previously said it is working to incorporate encryption technologies into the service formerly known as Hotmail.