Yahoo has acquired local recommendation app Zofari to bolster its local search capabilities.

The app uses third party data, natural language processing, and machine learning from services like Foursquare to provide local recommendation in a faster way.

The app makers compared the app with music recommendation site Pandora and movie recommendation site Netflix, stating what Pandora and Netflix does for media content Zofari it does for places by recommending cafes, restaurants, bars, and neighborhoods.

In 2013, Zofari raised a round of funding worth $150,000 from family and friends, but no financial details about the acquisition were revealed by the company.

Zofari Team said in a blog post they won’t talk about the project they will be undertaking with Yahoo, but they said that they will take their service to the next level joining hands with Yahoo.

Yahoo has been focusing on mobile services for a while, with this acquisition the tech giant might be planning to monetise on ad opportunity that the app will bring.