Yahoo has acquired Jybe, which offers personalised recommendations for users based on datafrom social networks. This marks Yahoo’s fourth acquisition of a small startup in the past five months.

As part of the acquisition, Yahoo will also back five of its former employees who currently working for Jybe. The company says this will assist in development of better mobile applications.

Employees returning to Yahoo include Arnab Bhattacharjee, Tim Converse, Christian Kunz, Sameer Paranjpye, and Karthik Krishnamurthy.

Yahoo cloud platform group SVP, Jay Rossiter, said that as part of the acquisition, the company welcomes group of engineers and data scientists who will join Yahoo!’s platform organisation.

"This will be a "coming home" for the team — all five are former Yahoos," the company said.

Jybe was established in 2011 and focuses on suggesting movies, books, restaurants, receipies and reviews to mobile users.

The Jybe team said in a statement that they applied its various technology backgrounds to the recommendation and mobile app design through the new startup.

"It’s now time to move ahead to join a larger company, and Yahoo is the perfect match," the team said.