Yabdab Software and YourHead Software have released the public beta release of PayLoom 2.0, an ecommerce plugin for RapidWeaver. PayLoom 1.0 offered drag and drop catalog creation and integration with PayPal Shopping Cart for web designers using RapidWeaver.

The companies said that the minimum requirements for the new version include RapidWeaver 4.x or later and Mac OS 10.5 or later.

According to the companies, the version 2.0 offers new features including, a new customisable on-page javascript cart; full WYSIWYG editor for product descriptions; price overrides based off options; individual weight, handling and tax settings; customer specified pricing; simple CSV product import; amd works with LinkLok PayPal.

Mike Yrabedra, president of Yabdab Software, said: PayLoom 2.0 utilises the same slick on-page cart system that we developed for our CartLoom cloud service. I believe this release really showcases the value and reliability of our RapidWeaver based solutions.

PayLoom 2.0 will maintain the same pricepoint as its predecessor, and a full license for $19.95. PayLoom 1.0 users are eligible for an upgrade price of $9.95. Owners of GoogaLoom 1.0 may also elect to cross-grade to the new PayLoom 2.0 for the same $9.95 upgrade price.