Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin doesn’t bother with Microsoft Word when it comes to writing his doorstopper novels.

While most people consider out-of-life Windows XP obsolete, the fantasy writer told US chatshow Conan last week that he still uses DOS to write his novels on – and that he has a separate PC for internet browsing.

He said: "I actually like it, it does what I want a word-processing programme to do and it doesn’t do anything else. I don’t want any help, you know?

"I actually have two computers. I have the computer that I browse the internet with, that I get my email on and I do my taxes on. Then I have my writing computer, which is a DOS machine not connected to the internet. Remember DOS? I use WordStar 4.0 as my word-processing system."

Well, we guess it’s more advanced than the wax-sealed letters and crossbows in Game of Thrones.