With GoLearn Skateboarding, enthusiasts can learn different tricks, discover new skate parks, and listen to their favorite tunes, all from the same device. This application leverages GPS and identifies high-rated locations in close proximity to the skateboarder.

GoLearn Skateboarding includes introduction, tips and tricks, skateboard mechanic, skate park locator and over 45 high definition videos with slow motion, multiple angles and detailed instruction.

Danny Keith, CEO of the Santa Cruz Skate Shop, said: Our perception of what the skateboarder needs as functionality comes from a lifetime of involvement. Skaters want to see different tricks performed by different people in different places.

By providing an intimate discussion of how to re-thread a truck axle or watching Josh Mattson walk you through doing a Miller Flip, it is as if we are speaking directly to the skater. Our partnership with Whagaa is an exciting one allowing us to transform our vision of action sport applications into reality.

Whagaa develops instructional software for use on handheld computing devices. It also creates customized software programs for specialized training content on multiple device platforms.