Virtualisation and cloud infrastructure company VMware has been selected by SAP to provide its cloud infrastructure and management platform for one of SAP’s internal global IT modernisation and reorganisation projects designed to more effectively support business demand.

To enable the SAP IT’s internal customers to be more responsive, improve efficiency and control costs across its internal service offerings the SAP IT group has been using VMware technology as one of its underlying virtualisation technologies and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) architectures for tailored products.

With VMware’s technology, SAP IT is striving to reach an overall virtualisation rate of 80% of its global IT infrastructure.

SAP IT has chosen VMware as one of its technology providers because of the ability of VMware to deliver cloud infrastructure and management offerings.VMware software is the choice best suited for SAP’s Solution Experience group’s business goals.

SAP AG Global Infrastructure Services senior vice-president Wolfgang Krips said VMware technology not only brings SAP’s Solution Experience group the benefits of IaaS, including optimised resources and reduced operational expenses, it also helps us with our ambitious sustainability objectives.

"Today we have already virtualized more than 50 percent of our Solution Experience environment, and with our expanded cooperation with VMware, we expect to reach our goal of achieving a virtualization rate of 80 percent in the demo area," said Krips.

VMware EMEA senior vice-president and general manager Maurizio Carli said SAP’s selection of VMware technology for its global IT infrastructure further validates our IT as a Service vision.

"SAP has bought into this vision and our technology delivery, investing in an almost complete stack including datacenter, enterprise management and desktop solutions," said Carli.

The SAP Solution Experience group plans to evaluate the option of provisioning demonstration environments online utilising public cloud service providers, said SAP.