VirtualSharp Software has opened an office in the UK and launched its ReliableDR offering, which protects organisations’ IT services and supports the continuity of their business processes through the orchestration of virtual resources.

The company said that its new offering is entirely integrated with VMware environments through vCenter, and can run either stand-alone or as a VM in the secondary site

ReliableDR automates recovery assurance processes end-to-end so that the Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) can be aligned to business policies and turned into Certified Recovery Points, while Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) can be reduced to minutes.

The company said that its new offering is based on a new technology concept, Disaster Recovery orchestration, that uses the core characteristics of virtualisation to generate Virtual Verification Containers (vVCs), mini-datacentres with their own resources and network.

With ReliableDR, snapshots of Virtual Machines (VMs) are loaded into the vVCs, and the orchestrator verifies that the IT service is functioning according to recovery policies.

The software allows IT administrators to simulate failover scenarios as often as required and automates the failover processes to the point where service is restored.

In addition, it allows IT services to be DR-assured individually, and apply recovery policies aligned with the criticality of each IT service.

VirtualSharp Software said ReliableDR enables IT administrators to carry out DR tests of individual IT services daily or hourly.

It configures the recovery of VMs in real time, replicating their exact configuration in the production system at the time of the last Certified Recovery Point (CRP).