Vasont Systems, a provider of content management software and data services, has released a new interim version of content management system, which it claims to enable users to store multilingual content once for maximum reuse and delivery to multiple channels.

According to Vasont Systems, the Vasont 12.2 includes revisions feature that allows users to track and manage changes to modular content in relation to its original source content and allows clients to work on multiple versions of their content simultaneously.

The company said that the controlled vocabulary feature that allows organisations to manage the terminology used in their documentation by defining allowed terms to be used and restricted terms to be avoided. It also identifies misspelled and unrecognised words and allows authorised users to enhance the dictionary.

In addition, the new version also includes content exception report that allows users to avoid taking action on content before it is approved and also can be used for diagnosing referenced modular content with specific criteria such as draft status and specific edit dates.

Richard Schiding, president of Vasont Systems, said: “This interim release of Vasont provides more tools for clients to better manage their editorial and publishing processes. It’s important for documentation to be accurate, and these new features give users even more ways to ensure the content’s integrity.”