V Australia, the newly launched long-haul airline owned by Virgin Blue, has signed a contract with Lufthansa Systems, a full-service IT provider for the airline and aviation sector, to use Lido RouteManual navigation charts for the airline’s air and ground navigation purposes.

The airline has also selected the Lido FMS Navigation Database Service for the central flight management of its fleet. In addition, V Australia opted for Lido eAPM, the electronic aircraft performance monitoring system.

The continuous monitoring of the individual performance parameters of each aircraft is expected to enable the airline to save fuel and increase revenues due to a higher cargo capacity.

According to Lufthansa Systems, the Lido FMS database contains route information including navigation points, radio beacons, altitude and airport data. It is continuously updated and organized. Every 28 days, V Australia will receive the fresh database input according to its aircraft types and routes in order to feed it into the flight management system.

Lido eAPM is a web-based tool for the determination of in-flight performance levels of an aircraft. It monitors its propulsion and flight control efficiency. Due to the sophisticated monitoring of the actual fuel consumption, the airline may even qualify for a reduction of the extra fuel required for normal operations if cleared by the authorities.