Retail online spending for the entire November – December 2011 holiday season touched $37.2bn, an increase of 15% versus last year, according to comScore.

The research firm said that this was an all-time record for the season.

Ten individual shopping days this season saw spending surpass $1bn, with Cyber Monday being the highest spending day $1.25bn.

comScore chairman Gian Fulgoni said the 2011 online holiday shopping finished with slightly more than $37bn in spending, up about 15% versus year ago. "With brick-and-mortar holiday retail estimated to have grown about 4 percent this year, it’s clear that e-commerce continues to gain market share from traditional retail due to the attractiveness of the Internet’s convenience and lower prices. What will remain unknown until retailers report their financial year end results is whether the aggressive pricing and free shipping offers came at the cost of lower margins," added Fulgoni.

After Cyber Monday, the second highest spending day of this season was on Dec. 5 at $1.178bn, followed by Green Monday (Monday, Dec. 12) at $1.13bn.