The UK government has announced a plan to invest about £250m to improve broadband access in the country.

With the investment, the government expects to offer superfast broadband to 95% of homes and businesses, about 1.4 million premises in the UK by 2017 and expects the service to drive the growth and jobs across the country.

UK Culture Secretary Maria Miller said that the access to high speed connectivity is vital to the UK’s economic future, and drives growth and jobs across the country.

"Every week, 100,000 more homes and businesses are getting access to superfast broadband, and our broadband is already among the best in Europe when it comes to coverage, usage, and choice," Miller said.

"But we want to go even further and that’s why we are now setting a new target to reach 95% of premises by 2017."

The UK government expects that the money will be used to offer access to superfast broadband in the hardest-to-reach areas.

According to the UK government, the money will come from current TV license fee funds and it expects that the money will bring in additional £500m local matching funds.