The GovDelivery UK has signed a CloudStore procurement deal with Cabinet Office’s Government Digital Service (GDS) that allows GDS to use GovDelivery’s Digital Communication Management (DCM) application.

As per the agreement, the the Inside Government content of the GOV.UK website will deploy DCM application to offer email notification services to assist the users of government policy information to stay updated.

Cabinet Office spokesperson said the Inside Government content on GOV.UK is where people who are personally or professionally interested in the business of government will be able to research how government works and see what it is doing.

"With the DCM platform we will meet our user needs for timely alerts when information changes," spokesperson said.

GovDelivery will offer Inside Government users with alerts and notifications on various topics including closure of roads to health and safety news and local authority service updates through email, SMS/text messaging, and other digital channels including social media and SMS.

GovDelivery UK Government Solutions director Dave Worsell said: "GovDelivery will be a vital tool in helping GDS keep citizens up to date with the latest government news, policy, consultations and publications."

GDS deployed the CloudStore directory in a bid to quickly acquire the GovDelivery solution aim to have the service implemented in about ten working days.

The GovDelivery platform is also implemented by the UK-based government agencies including Parliament, Driving Standards Agency, Department for Business Innovation & Skills and the Met Office.