A "Video Games Prototype Fund" is aiming to support video game projects in the UK.

The £4m Prototype Fund will offer grants of up to £25,000 to support video game projects, to help create jobs, promote talent and to encourage the growth of games clusters throughout the UK.

The fund will be managed by the UK Games Talent and Finance. British game developers have been responsible for the likes of Tomb Raider and Grand Theft Auto.

With the backing of the fund, it is hoped that this will help to foster similar efforts by boosting the development base.

Two types of grants will be given, one of up to £25,000 for new and young games development businesses. Also a limited number of grants worth £50,000 will be given to projects that are more advanced.

In addition to the grants, talent development initiatives could be set up. This may include competitions for students and graduate teams to showcase new games.

The Prototype Fund will run from 2015 to 2019.