TwinStrata, a provider of data protection and iSCSI cloud storage offering, has integrated Scality’s RING storage platform into its family of CloudArray virtual and physical appliances.

CloudArray users can now choose and deploy either a private cloud environment or connect with internationally available public cloud providers powered by Scality RING and receive off-site data protection and disaster recovery capabilities on a "plug-and-play" basis by adding Scality integration, TwinStrata said.

TwinStrata’s CloudArray’s "like local" performance, control, and policy-driven automation enables Scality users to leverage the on-demand elasticity and adaptability of Scality’s RING cloud storage through innovative asynchronous replication, in-cloud snapshots, dynamic caching, in-flight and at-rest encryption, compression, iSCSI, and continuous access to and control of data in the cloud.

In the event of a disruption or an outage, data can be rapidly restored on-site, off-site, or in the cloud, providing secure, anywhere, anytime application and data accessibility.

Scality’s RING software combines the storage capabilities of numerous x86 generic servers to deliver a storage cloud infrastructure with carrier-grade scalability, service availability and data reliability.

The benefits of using TwinStrata CloudArray with the Scality RING storage platform include minimal operational requirements, elastic scalability, and a self-healing architecture with volume management; and flexible and agile business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities.

The benefits also include simple, affordable, fast, and non-intrusive deployment model; significantly reduced capex, opex, and management complexity; and access to public and private cloud infrastructures, hybrid models.

TwinStrata CEO Nicos Vekiarides said cloudarray’s built-in flexibility and security satisfy the stringent data storage and protection policies imaginable.

"Our partnership with Scality provides a way for CloudArray end users to meet their data protection demands by leveraging an economical cloud storage architecture," Nicos said.