CA Technologies’ CTO Otto Berkes says innovation should be accelerated with speed to deliver high-scale customer experiences.
Speaking at CA World 2016 in Las Vegas, he began with the emphasis on the noticeable accelerating speed of the digital world.
The message of acceleration was delivered Mr Berkes and CA Chief Product Officer, Ayman Sayed, who together discussed the ways CA Technologies plan to help its EMEA customers on the route to digital transformation.
“We need to collaborate and innovate quickly to bridge the gap between ideas and customers,” said Mr Berkes.
With reference to the keynote delivered by CEO, Mike Gregoire and the shift to the ‘built-to-change’ business strategy, the key attributes mentioned by Berkes were “New experiences growing richer and more immersive with the rise of ubiquitous connectivity and constant advances.”
What this means is experiences such as augmented and virtual reality, voice and sensor based interactions and user-centred design which will generate highly valuable data for business use.
It is essential for business as all data collected about customers can be used to serve them better and more efficiently, he said.
Berkes added: “Those who can transform data into insights and understanding will be champions in the digital economy.”
The world of Internet of Things not only brings advancements, but changes how things will be put into action.
“Analytics and AI are about to change everything we know about ourselves and our world. But before that they are going to change your business,” said Berkes
The shifts is rapidly bringing an expectation that everything being done in business structure will need a re-think.
Read the ten big product announcements from CA World 2016
Next Page: The attributes of digital innovation
Businesses of today are expected to have a forward facing goal focusing on design and delivering to customers their needs at a greater and more efficient scale.
“Unleashing that potential requires an outburst to deliver superior customer experiences at unprecedented speed and scale.”
Speed matters and in order for innovation to be delivered at great speed a company’s software factory “must be highly automated because automation reduces errors and manual processes, also freeing up critical resources and creating customer value.”
The rise of digital innovation delivers attributes of a modern company, which are driven through by changing the business mind-set.
According to Berkes, the modern company is ‘driven by nature and anti-establishment.’
“It knows that structure is everywhere and moves quickly to adjust.”
“The modern company removes friction at every level, it does this internally with its employees and processes, and externally through continuous online engagement with its customers.”
“In today’s business environment there is a direct channel between business owners and customers. Berkes mentioned that already “smart companies are leveraging their employee’s social networks to drive this.”
“The modern company is collaborative and it understands that the culture of doing it alone is a fail to deliver” added Berkes.
CA Technologies has claimed that the “software revolution has shaken the old world to its core” and in today’s world it is used to both create and drive business.
This is what led to the development of new solutions to help its customers build software velocity. It includes a new approach which boost speed of Internet of Things developments.
Berkes said: “IT itself is being completely redefined, in fact the new IT will be no IT.”
This statement does not mean IT is to vanish, but that business and technology are to become one- forming a digital transformation that we is starting to be identified.
This means that the pressure on businesses to create innovation and velocity will reach higher scales.
Ayman Sayed said: “Innovations create immense developments and with digital innovation you are now delivering vast customer experiences with your business.”

CA categorises its solution stack to deliver all of the above as, Agile, DevOps and Security saying software will shape the modern company.
“With digital transformation you are now delivering business value to your customers through software. Doing so requires perfecting the process of constant high-speed innovation.
“We need to take a new look to how we can shorten the gap between ideas and outcomes. We need a new flow and an extra flow that starts with agile, planning and management” said Sayed.