Texas Instruments has unveiled the DLP IntelliBright system at the 2013 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, claimed to improve the display quality of mobile phones, tablets, digital video players, mobile accessories, and near-eye displays.


DLP IntelliBright system uses image processing algorithms to intelligently analyse image content in real-time, to increase image brightness and contrast, while minimising the power consumption of the devices.

The system uses two algorithms which include Content-Adaptive Illumination Control (CAIC) and Local Area Brightness Boost (LABB), which operate separately and can be tuned to achieve the best result, TI said.

The CAIC algorithm operates by adjusting red, green and blue illumination strength on a frame-by-frame basis to maintain ‘constant image brightness’ or ‘constant illumination power’ that allows the selection of the desired amount of brightness against power savings.

Identification of the dark areas and bright areas within a frame is done by the LABB algorithm in order to add a programmable amount of gain to the dark areas to make the image more realistic and viewable.