According to the latest study from the research firm Strategy Analytics, superphones will be the world’s fastest growing sub-category of wireless handsets in 2011.

Global superphone sales will grow by 200% in 2011, spurred by demand for phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S2.

Strategy Analytics senior analys tAlex Spektor said superphones integrate high-level operating systems with supersised displays of at least 4 inches and superfast processors of at least 1GHz.

Strategy Analytics director Neil Mawston said superphones are driving super growth, and consumers and operators like the richer experience of larger screens and faster processing speeds that can be delivered by superphones.

Samsung is currently the world’s leading superphone vendor due to the success of its Android-powered Galaxy S2 model, and the company has been aggressively leveraging this leadership to attack rivals with much weaker superphone portfolios such as Nokia, Blackberry and even Apple.