Android has released Android Studio 1.0, the first stable version of its Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which can be used to build native Android applications.

The new version has been improved compared to Eclipse, Android’s previous software tool, and Google has recommended developers using Eclipse with ADT to migrate to Android Studio as the ADT plug-in for Eclipse is no longer in active development.

To make the app development process faster, Android has introduces several features to Studio 1.0 which includes first-run setup wizard; which sets up development environment settings and creates an optimized emulator for testing apps.

It also provides a set of code templates which can be helpful for beginners.

Android has introduced wizards, which will allow developers to start with new project templates and help import Google code samples.

Studio 1 also uses code editing capabilities of IntelliJ IDEA including code completion, refactoring, and code analysis.

To manage string translations of apps, Android has introduced internationalisation string editing along with user interface design which will allow developers to preview Android layouts across multiple screen sizes and API versions.

Studio 1.0 comes with Memory monitor that can be used to keep track of the memory used by the app and Unified build system, which will provide developers the ability to build apps from within and outside of the IDE.

The IDE will also facilitate addition of Google Cloud Backends and Endpoints to the app.

According to Android the Studio will continue to receive updates on four different release channels: Stable, Beta, Dev, and Canary.