IT search company Splunk has released a new version of Splunk software, which providers users the ability to search, monitor and analyse live streaming IT data as well as terabytes of historical data, all from the same interface.

The company said that Splunk 4.1 enables users to see incidents and attacks as they occur, monitor application SLAs in real time, correlate and analyse events on streaming data and track live transactions and online activity.

According to Splunk, the new offering based on implementation of real-time search using MapReduce techniques enables new real-time capabilities to scale linearly across commodity hardware. It also includes features such as single sign-on for transparent authentication of third-party credentials; creates workflows directly from data in search results; and automatically identifies new event types based on recurring patterns in the data.

In addition, the new version also enables automatic and configurable data drilldown from charts to original events and determine root causes faster; and create, schedule and deliver PDFs of any Splunk dashboard, view, search or report and share information across the organisation.

Erik Swan, co-founder and chief technology officer at Splunk, said: Splunk 4.1 is unique in that it combines in one solution with one user interface the ability to search, monitor and analyse all streaming data sources with Splunk’s proven strengths searching unlimited amounts of historical IT data.