Sony Electronics has launched its new line of Reader digital books, including the new Reader Pocket Edition, Reader Touch Edition and, in the US, wireless Reader Daily Edition.
The new models of Readers features improved optical touch screen technology designed for digital reading; and E Ink Pearl electronic paper displays, which offers a paper-like display that is readable in direct sunlight.
The new Reader Touch Edition features a six-inch full touch screen and an intuitive design with 2 GB of onboard memory.
It offers dual expansion slots for up to 32GB of additional memory and the ability to play MP3 and AAC audio files.
The Reader Daily Edition provides Wi-Fi and basic web browsing capability and a wireless connection to Sony’s Reader Store from most of the U.S. via AT&T’s 3G network.
In addition, the entire line of digital books embodies new features such as content zoom, adjustable contrast and brightness control, automatic multiple page creation, and allow for easier reading of PDF or personal documents.
The new Reader Pocket Edition and Reader Touch Edition are available immediately, and the new Reader Daily Edition is expected to be available later.