Software pirates claimed they have identified several security flaws in Apple’s new Mac App Store which allows people to find and download approved apps to their Apple computers.

The pirates, who hacked into new software download service hours after it was launched, warned the iPad maker that many pieces of paid-for software are vulnerable to unauthorised copying, BBC News reported.

The store, launched with over 1,000 apps and dubbed as "innovative" by chief executive Steve Jobs, includes digital rights management (DRM) technology that ensures that only a programme’s purchaser is authorised to run the programme.

One flaw – which only affects some apps including the puzzle video game Angry Birds game – involves simply copy-pasting the purchase code to allow paid apps to be used for free, the pirates said.

Meanwhile, a hackers group named Hackulous said it has developed a programme called Kickback which can break the protection on any piece of App Store software.

"We’re not going to release Kickback until well after the store’s been established," the group added.