SMobile Systems, a provider of products and services that securely protect mobile phones and wireless infrastructure, has released ContactCrypt 1.6, a new software application built to encrypt sensitive personal and business data including contact names, home addresses, account numbers, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and other critical data stored in the contacts section of the iPhone. The new application is available on the iTunes App Store.

The company claimed that while other iPhone App Store encryption applications provide a vault mechanism to store user passwords, ContactCrypt is the first, third-party security application on the App Store to specifically protect and encrypt core components of the iPhone operating system itself. With the recent release of iPhone encryption for 3GS devices proven to be bypassed by numerous security experts, the release of ContactCrypt has become critical.

iPhone users can protect sensitive core components of their iPhone devices, including personal and business contact information. Due to the lack of inherent encryption capabilities on most iPhones and the exposed weaknesses of iPhone 3GS encryption, personal contact information can easily be accessed from a lost, stolen or compromised device, the company said.

Neil Book, president of SMobile Systems, said: The release of such a popular and innovative device like the iPhone with its superior connectivity and increased functionality makes it a prime target for loss and theft. ContactCrypt has been developed to help iPhone consumers keep their personal and business information safe.

Daniel Hoffman, chief technology officer of SMobile Systems, said: When Apple launched the App Store for iPhone, many companies focused on creating entertainment software and games, but security remains largely an afterthought.

With the recent attention iPhone vulnerabilities have received, it has become clear that third-party security expertise is needed to truly secure these devices. We are pleased that enterprise and consumer iPhone users finally have the option to augment core security components on their devices.