Skype has rolled out the Skype Translator preview programme, which can eliminate language barriers by offering real time translation to Skype communications.

The service will facilitate real-time translation for online chats and voice calls.

The preview programme will be available in Spanish and English along with 40 instant messaging languages, which will be only available to customers who have signed-up for the service.

Skype Translator was created in collaboration with Microsoft Research which works on deep neural network technology.

It depends on machine learning, which is expected to get smarter with user interaction.

The service has been combined with knowledge of Bing Translator to remove disfluencies like "um" and "ah", and it provides division of texts and addition of punctuation and capitalisation.

According to Skype, the Translator service is an investment Microsoft has made towards research.

Skype said: "This is just the beginning of a journey that will transform the way we communicate with people around the world."

"Our long-term goal for speech translation is to translate as many languages as possible on as many platforms as possible and deliver the best Skype Translator experience on each individual platform for our more than 300 million connected users."


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