The companies have signed an MoU which will see SentryBay’s EntryProtect embedded within ProjectFusion’s dataroom software applications making them ‘key logger-proof’. This will reduce customers’ risk of corporate espionage, while protecting brand and corporate reputations.

ProjectFusion’s virtual datarooms enable businesses to share documents securely online, and choose whether users can print, copy, download, or merely view files onscreen. This secure sharing enables to simplify tasks like audits, refinancing and M&A due diligence, saving both time and money, said SentryBay.

ProjectFusion applies usernames, passwords and location-based restrictions to minimize risks of insider trading and information leaks. These existing tight security measures are now further strengthened with SentryBay’s embedded key logging protection, added SentryBay.

Dave Waterson, CEO of SentryBay, said: ProjectFusion works with the UK’s top financial institutions on high-value deals so the importance of security cannot be underestimated. Most data is stolen by spyware which key logs account logon information to access and steal confidential information – fully securing that access point prevents ProjectFusion’s customers’ data from being uplifted and used by rogue staff or criminals.