Sentrigo, a provider of database security software, has partnered with Rsignia to provide Sentrigo’s Hedgehog suite of products to federal agencies. The partnership will enable federal intelligence, defense and civilian agencies to gain visibility into database activity, and safeguard sensitive information contained within mission-critical databases.

Rsignia said that it extends Sentrigo’s partner network with a focus on federal government customers. Rsignia leverages its custom IP and software with a base of integration and technology expertise, to provide a range of IP security products and services in the areas of cyber security, protection, digital assets monitoring and management to help federal and commercial enterprises combat emerging IT security issues.

Sentrigo’s Hedgehog is a host-based software product for real-time database monitoring, auditing and breach prevention. Rsignia will provide software and services for deployments of Sentrigo’s Hedgehog Enterprise, a database activity monitoring and intrusion prevention product; Hedgehog vPatch, a product that provides virtual patching against database vulnerabilities without database downtime; and Repscan, a vulnerability assessment product, to its federal government customers.

Gary Woods, director of federal sales at Rsignia, said: “The federal market is faced with many of the same challenges as commercial enterprises in terms of protecting data, but with even more severe consequences in case of a breach.

“We selected Sentrigo because it is ideally suited to protect sensitive data for both large scale organisations as well as smaller agencies. Unlike other database activity monitoring solutions, their solution is both scalable and cost-effective. Hedgehog can secure thousands of servers and multi-terabytes databases for large deployments, as well as work well with smaller agencies that require solutions that are easy to deploy and manage.”

Andy Feit, vice president of marketing at Sentrigo, said: “We are thrilled to partner with Rsignia and look forward to benefiting from their expertise in working with the federal government. With the enormous data repositories in many federal agencies, the impact of unauthorised access can be far-reaching. We are confident that our database activity monitoring products can help limit the risk of exposure from both internal and external threats.”