The security services threat intelligence market is forecast to grow from $198m in 2009 to $905m in 2014 as businesses and enterprises struggle to keep pace, according to new research from International Data Corporation (IDC).

The research firm said the security services threat intelligence market is driven by more formidable security threats and high-profile attacks, pushing businesses’ enterprise IT/Security infrastructure to their limits.

Advanced security event monitoring and management technologies that incorporate a variety of threat-related information sources to develop predictive security are the components of the security services threat intelligence market.

The security protection landscape and, subsequently, enterprise security posture, however, are changing due to emerging Web application and other difficult-to-detect attacks, according to the IDC research.

Anti-malware products and services are evolving to deal with these threats and other forms of detection are adopted instead of general signatures in order to ensure that enterprise network, application, data, and endpoints can remain secure.

IDC senior analyst of Security Services Christine Liebert said businesses are struggling to protect themselves as these outside threats become more resistant to signature-based security tools.

"It’s becoming clear that many of these emerging treats cannot be defended against in-house, creating a shift in security posture toward being more proactive," Liebert said.

The research found many organisations still do not have visibility across their environment to understand the happenings at any given time, despite having some of the more standard countermeasures, such as firewalls, antivirus and IDs.

The detection, mitigation and remediation of attacks have further become complicated as attacks are becoming shorter and more highly targeted.

The report further indicated that with the signature-based tools such as antivirus, firewalls and intrusion prevention, only 30-50% of current security threats can be dealt with.

According to the IDC research, commercial small and medium businesses (SMBs) offering high-value targets, such as financial information, intellectual property and other proprietary data, were targeted by attackers over the past five years.